Imagine this scenario:
Your friend Manami asks you how Yasuaki is doing, and since you haven't met him in a while, you answer:
Manami pauses for a second and answers:
As well as being a way of greeting someone you haven't seen for a long time, 久しぶり is used to emphasize a long period of time that has separated two similar events. |
Example Sentences
うんどう ほんとう ひさこんなに運動したのは本当に久しぶりだった。
It's been a long time since I've done so much sport.
まえ ひさ みお前もすごい久しぶりに見たぞ。
It's been a long time since I've seen you too.
ひさびさ かれ れんらく き久々に彼から連絡が来ました。
It has been a while since he contacted me.
久しぶり | 99998485502615 |
久しぶり | 99998480718258 |
久々 | 99998483139524 |
Now, if you had a good textbook or a good teacher, they might have taught you that, on top of the correct sentence patterns mentioned above, "久しぶりに" cannot be used with a negative form. |
Example Sentences
てがみ か なんねん手紙を書くのが何年ぶりだろう……
It must be several years since I last wrote a letter...
あ ごねん けっこう かクラウドに会ったのは五年ぶりで、結構変わった。
It's been 5 years since I last met Cloud, and he's changed quite a bit.
五年ぶり | 1916066175 |
何年ぶり | 99998484485035 |
How to use negation
久しぶりに is therefore used to express something that has happened, or will happen when it hasn't happened for a long time, and is always used with a verb conjugated in the affirmative form. |
Example Sentences
さいきん なつ き最近、夏はクールビズなので、スーツを着ていない。
Lately, I haven't been wearing a suit because of the "cool business" in the summer.
ひさ ひら ノートを久しく開いていない。
I have not opened a notebook for a long time.
じかん けいかあれからしばらくの時間が経過しました。
Some time has passed since then.
なが あいだ はっけん ほんとう おどろこれほど長い間発見されなかったというのは本当に驚きだった。
It was truly amazing that it had gone undiscovered for so long.
おれ かん あ俺に関しては、ずっと会ってないもん。
As for me, I haven't seen him for a long time.
せいてきぎゃくたい ほんとう なが こと ぬ性的虐待っては本当に長い事そのトラウマが抜けない。
It takes a long time to recover from sexual abuse.
最近 | 99998475653989 |
久しく | 99998478189444 |
しばらく | 99998480363219 |
長い間 | 99998482888980 |
ずっと | 99998476354535 |
長いこと | 788850618 |
To sum up: |
All the flashcards of this lesson :
最近 | 99998475653989 |
久しく | 99998478189444 |
しばらく | 99998480363219 |
長い間 | 99998482888980 |
ずっと | 99998476354535 |
長いこと | 788850618 |
久しぶり | 99998485502615 |
久しぶり | 99998480718258 |
久々 | 99998483139524 |
五年ぶり | 1916066175 |
何年ぶり | 99998484485035 |
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