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JLPT N4 - The final particles よ, ね and よね

Posted by Christophe on Nov 27, 2022 6:08:00 AM
よ,ね et よね

よ、ね and よね particules

Here are 3 final particles that we often hear. They are used at the end of a sentence :  

- よ : Announcement, providing new information, advance notice, light alert

- ね : Search for light confirmation, observation, equivalent of "isn't it ?"

- よね : Insistent search for confirmation
The particle reminds the listener that he or she does not know the information to be given.
A : 今週こんしゅう金曜日きんようびは、映画えいが無料むりょうだよ。B : 
A : The cinema is free this Friday. (did you know that?) B : Really? (I didn't know that)
→ Providing new information
A : かれは、親切しんせつ日本語にほんごおしえてくれるよ。B : だといいけど。
A : He can kindly explain the Japanese language to you. B : I want to.
→ Providing new information
A : 北海道ほっかいどう本当ほんとうさむいよ。B : あたたかいマフラ-と帽子ぼうしっていきます。
A : It's really cold in Hokkaido. B : I bring my warm scarf and my hat.
→ Light alert
よね 257607279
The particle to seek for a confirmation :
A : 日本にほんいえでは、くつぐね。B : そうだよ。
A : We take off our shoes in Japanese houses, don't we ? B : Exactly.
→ Search for a light confirmation
A : エッフェルとうは、いつも観光客かんこうきゃくおおいね。B : いつものことだよ。
A : There are always many tourists at the Eiffel Tower. B : Yes, always.
→ Observation and search for a light confirmation
The よね particle combines both :
A : 明日あした渋谷しぶやで、先生せんせい約束やくそくは、4時よじでいいよね。B : はい、確認かくにんしました。
A : Is my appointment tomorrow with the teacher in Shibuya at 4pm? (I ask you to check) B: Yes, I have checked.
→ Search for a confirmation
よね 816955118
よね 99998483080965
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