Cardemy Blog

Cardemy Chrome extension - Getting started

Posted by Christophe on Jul 21, 2024 7:39:08 AM




Currently the Cardemy Chrome extension is not accessible to the public, it is only available to a limited number of early testers.




After you have installed the extension, make sure to first log in on the Cardemy web app on

  • Click on the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar (top-right corner of your Chrome browser)

  • A pop-up window will appear asking you to sign in ①

  • A link will redirect you to the Cardemy website, enter your credentials (email and password) and click "Sign In".

  • Once signed in, the extension will show that you are well connected to your Cardemy account ③




How to use the Cardemy Extension


  • You can enable or disable the definition popup from the Chrome extension menu (top-right corner) ①
  • Using your mouse, highlight one or several words you'd like to know more about ②

  • The word popup appears, showing your the definitions of that word

  • Click on "Add Word " if you'd like to memorize this word in Cardemy ③

  • After adding it, a new flashcard for this word will be displayed in your Cardemy app's feed (it can take up to 30 seconds) ⑤






Using the Cardemy extension on YouTube


You can use the Cardemy extension to define and capture words from YouTube video subtitles.

Enjoy watching videos in your target language and easily add unfamiliar words using the popup. Without disrupting your viewing experience, the extension lets you record new words and add them to your Cardemy deck to memorize later!




Enjoy using the Cardemy Chrome extension and don't hesitate to let us know your feedback!



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